Dear Rotary Family
El próximo 14 de marzo del 2025 se realizará la II Feria de proyectos de modalidad virtual, que organiza el Distrito 4465 de Perú.
It is a wonderful opportunity for Rotary and Rotaractor clubs to present their global grant projects that need to be funded by our Rotary Foundation and that are looking for a sponsor from abroad.
Rotarians from all over the world, interested in supporting our projects, will be present, and through the fair's website they will be able to finance their projects.
Rotarios y rotaractianos, no pierdan esta oportunidad de crear lazos de amistad, de confianza, de hacer alianzas y hermanamientos con clubes de todo el mundo, registren sus proyectos y aprovechen esta II FERIA DE PROYECTOS PERU 2025.
Remember that our responsibility is to CREATE HOPE IN THE WORLD.
Hugo Yovera Huiman
Gobernador 2024 – 2025
District 4465 RI
Peace promotion
Disease prevention and treatment
Potable water supply
Rotary focuses on causes to strengthen international relations, improve lives, and create a better world to advance our peace initiatives and our campaign to eradicate polio.